Sunday 23 March 2014

More Sex is Safer Sex (Part -1)

Well, you might be wondering why a 17 year old boy is writing about a subject which is 'taboo' in our society - 'sex'.... Some of you might be fuming about the extent of 'moral degradation of our society' . Example:- The principal of my school, a few devout christians, most of the muslims, a majority of the Modibots, a lot of AAPtards ,etc. My only request to such people- complete reading this post and then start filling the comments section with abuses.

It is true: AIDS and other STDs are nature's retribution towards our tolerance of immoderate and socially irresponsinble behaviour. It is the price we pay due to our permissive attitudes towards monogamy, chastity and other forms of illogical sexual conservatism.

The Bible, the Koran, the Manusmriti tells you about the sin of promiscuity. Here I will explain to you the sin of self-restraint.

Consider Narendra, a charming and prudent fellow with a limited sexual history. Over the past few weeks, he has been gently flirting with a co-worker Jayalalitha and both of them have entertained the prospect of going home together after the weekend office party. However on the morning of the office party, Narendra sees an advertisement about the virtues of Self restraint/ abstinence. Chastened, he goes home. Now in Narendra's absence, Jayalalitha hooks up with an equally charming but considerably less prudent Rahul- and Jayalalitha gets AIDS.

So when the pious Narendra withdraws from the mating game, it makes it easier for reckless people like Rahul score a sixer in the game. The ads are more effective with Narendra than with Rahul. The ads are infact a danger to Jayalalitha's safety....
The self-restraint ads if they would have replaced an ad of say- Skore Condoms, it would mean a bigger loss to society.

If the Narendras of the world loosen up a little, we can slow the spread of AIDS and other STD's and also help the economy in many ways:-
1) People like him buy condoms- a lot of jobs are created in condom production.
2) The cost of treatment would go down allowing for greater money supply into the market= greater investment= more jobs.( the current societal  cost of AIDS in India is near 10,000 crore INR and is expected to be 45,000 crore INR in 2017)

A cautious guy like Narendra does the world a favour every time he is on the prowl for a mate. In fact, he does the world 2 favours:
1) The office party scenario I mentioned earlier , would be prevented and he would have saved Jayalalitha's life.
2)If he sleeps with an infected partner he would get AIDS, sulk at home for the rest of his life and 'Die'. The important thing to be noted here is -  He doesnt infect anyone else and the virus dies with him. It would have been an entirely different case with Rahul.

This post will be continued tomorrow. Hope you enjoyed reading it!!!

1 comment:

  1. Not to say that it may also lead to decrease in consumption of porn which is considered morally reprehensible by many pious people.
    The more you hide something, the more curiosity it attracts.

