Sunday 21 December 2014

My views on Islam and Muslims.

A friend of mine recently asked me ' Why are you vehemently opposed to Islam and Muslim's interests ?'
Here is the answer and I hope you read it.
Yes, I am vehemently opposed to Islamic ideology and all the violence that Islamism generates or has already generated over the past millennia and more. What I am not is 'Vehemently opposed to Muslims' nor am I opposed to Muslims by any other measure of vehemence , but i do oppose any one who is opposed to free speech.
One of the closest friends I have (I hope he still is)- the most kind guy I have ever met, is a devout muslim . What I am worried of is what Islam does to muslims...
I have been to dozens of Mosques in and around Bangalore- Mysore Region with a murtad friend of mine and most of what I heard from the mullahs over there ranged from rants about Hindu-Zionist-American Conspiracies to the value of having beards.

Being blinded by theology is common in Religions but I believe it is acute amongst muslims. Initially, it did surprise me when a muslim acquaintance of mine casually said to me that the Kaaba is the centre of the world. Later on, almost nothing did. Not even when a person said that Osama Bin Laden was a pious muslim who was just doing his duty and 9/11 was an American Conspiracy to defame Muslims. Not even when some said CIA was conspiring to elect BJP in 2014 so that it can 'finish' Indian Muslims.. You would be surprised by the number of muslims who believe in these conspiracy theories.

When you visit some of these mosques in Bangalore , there is one thing you will notice- Arabization of Indian Islam . It feels as if you are in the land of Al-Saud. It is a process which involves removal of whatever vestiges of culture or heritage left with local muslims. And all these mosques are increasingly turning Wahabi.
Recently. when I asked another believer on how he saw what was happening in Iraq and Syria to the Yazidis and other Minorities- The answer he gave was frightening on many levels- ' They are blasphemous people who are opposed to Islam and Peace. I dont care if they are killed'
' Why dont you ask about what the damn Jews are doing to innocent muslims in Palestine? Why do you only ask about muslims ?'
After experiencing all this, I have come to the painful conclusion that Islam is a sure path to long-term paranoia, a flawed understanding on what is humane and Peaceful and 'mullah rule'.

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